Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Libba; The Magnificent Musical Life of Elizabeth Cotten

Libba; The Magnificent Musical Life of Elizabeth Cotten

Juvenile herstory
"Libba Cotten heard music everywhere. She heard it in the river
when she brought in water for her mother. She heard it in the ax when
she chopped wood for kindling. She heard it in the freight trains
moving down the tracks near her home."
In addition to hearing music, Libba made it. She taught herself
to play her brother's guitar--backwards and upside down because she
was left handed. When he left home she earned the money for a guitar
of her own. She wrote her first song before her thirteenth birthday.
Not everyone was a fan. Her pastor didn't want her playing "The
Devil's Music."
Life wasn't easy for black girls and women back in the day. It
sure sidetracked Libba's plans. Her beloved guitar lay silent until
she got a job as a housekeeper for the Seeger family. (Maybe you've
heard of Pete Seeger.) Their home was filled with musicians and
music. One day she started playing...
...and the rest was herstory.
Libba is now an inspiration to me. She was in her sixties when
she recorded her first album. She was still touring and recording in
her eighties.
Let her inspire you!
On a personal note, I was in my sixties when I started graduate school
and hope to be working and researching well into my eighties. In
connection to this I was really touched by the Mothers' Day gift Adam
and his fiancée, Asia, gave me--a beautiful flowered backpack filled
with school supplies and candy.
A great big shout out goes out to the precious family members and
friends who believe in me and my dream.
jules hathaway

Sent from my iPod

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