Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Knock, Knock

Knock, Knock

Picture book
Some of us groaned inwardly when our children went through
addiction to knock knock joke phases. Many people consider this humor
genre to be the lowest. So what could lift this book above the rest?
How about the fact that it's an ensemble act of fourteen of the
stars of the children's lit illustration world? Tomie DePaola brings
us gorillas in love. Yumi Heo serves up a humungous ice cream cone.
Chris Rascha shows us "Verdi vild tings are."
At the back of the book the artists tell us who they want
knocking at their doors.
On a personal note, Orono Public Library writing class has restarted.
Spring session will run through early June. I scheduled my
presentations for later May after UMaine gets out. I feel at sea and
unsure what I want to present because I really miss my Chum, Paul
Lucey, who died during our fall session. It's not the same without him.
A great big shout out goes out Paul and also Ethel Pochocki, a
fabulous Maine children's book writer who we lost in 2010. Gone but
not forgotten. Sure hope I meet up with both of you on the other side.
jules hathaway

Sent from my iPod

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