Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Manjhi Moves A Mountain by Nancy Churnin

Manjhi Moves A Mountain by Nancy Churnin

Picture book
In India two villages sit on opposite sides of a mountain. One
suffers from dire poverty while the other rocks prosperity. The
unfairness of it all bothers Manjhi. One day he begins chipping away
at the mountain with a hammer and chisel.
The people in his village think Manjhi has taken leave of his
senses. But after fifteen years they see the rightness of his project
and begin to help.
You know what's amazing? There really was a Manjhi who created
a road through a mountain. If that doesn't fill you with hope I don't
know what will.
On a personal note, I wish I had someone like Manjhi to take to the in-
laws' barbeque tomorrow. They call me Emily instead of Jules. Yuck!
My plan is take a pile of books, grab food, and find a cool quiet
place to read.
I thought I'd have the week off from work. But yesterday and today I
was the knight in clean uniform when my manager put the word out she
had shifts open. Those 12 hours will help with tuition and stuff.
Plus they were fun shifts.
Joey is still going strong. He's eating, keeping the ounces on, being
sweet and affectionate, and being happy. I'd like to stay home
tomorrow, prefering love and devotion to microaggressions.
A great big shout out goes out to you, my dear readers, with best
wishes for a safe and happy holiday weekend. Watch out for ticks. No
drunk driving. Remember to use sun screen and hydrate. And please
leave the fireworks to trained pyrotechnicians.
jules hathaway

Sent from my iPod

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