Saturday, December 25, 2021

The Magic Arrives

The Magic Arrives

The morning before Christmas
I received the gift
That I'd really been wanting:
The feelings of joy
And anticipation
For the coming day.
Although I pretty much accepted
My not getting into the spirit
As an understandable reaction
To a creepy ass pandemic,
In one corner of my soul
Stumbling through Christmas
Totally anaesthetized
Felt like drowning kittens...

...It didn't happen dramatically
Like when the Grinches heart
Grew two sizes bigger...

...One year Eugene
Brought in a tree
That was frozen literally
Into a scraggly skinniness,
Saying it had to thaw
Before we put anything on it.
Joey cat and I kept hearing
These little snapping sounds
As thinned ice snapped
From branches breaking loose.
In the end we had a tree
As full as any other...

...My heart feels like that tree...

...And I'm treasuring the feeling.
Knowing it's not only
Opening my soul to bliss
(Which in itself would be enough)
But helping me bring joy to
My family and friends
Who won't have to worry about me...

...Who knows why it happened?
I think not pushing myself,
Not faking til I made it,
Made that door swing open.
But that wand on my bureau,
Like Frosty the snowman's hat,
May have worked some magic,
Even if it was only
That I believed it could...

...Who cares?
The joy and anticipation
Have finally arrived
And I am treasuring them
In my heart and soul.

Sent from my iPod

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