Thursday, June 13, 2024

We're Never Getting Home

Ride or die best friends are so important in high school, especially for teens whose family dynamics are less than ideal. When one of these relationships begins to implode it's seriously traumatic. That's why Tracy Badua's We're Never Getting Home is pitch perfect for YA readers.
Narrator Jana's mother is recovering from a serious car accident. Her having to cut down on work has serious implications for the family's finances. As if that isn't bad enough jana's big sister, Jackie, comes home from college in the middle of the first semester, urged by her counselor to take time off to reconsider her proprieties. Responsible Jana has a lot of pressure being put on her because of her sister's irresponsible choices. Maddy has to deal with a fat shaming mother.
The two of them have been there for each other through joys and tribulations. They've both been accepted at the same college where they plan to room together. In the meantime they've scored pricey tickets to a music festival where they'll see their long time favorite band perform in person. It will be a night to remember…
…Only not for the best reasons. You see the friendship has been unraveling especially since Maddy has acquired a very possessive boyfriend, Tyler. Right before the concert they have a big fight and decide not to go together.
Except the church friend, Nathan. who is now chauffeuring Jana is also giving Maddy and Tyler a ride. What else could go wrong?
How about Nathan losing his van keys?
If Jana doesn't get back on time she's going to be in a world of trouble.
On a purrrsonal note, Tuesday night was magical. The weather was purrrfect. The garden was beautiful. We harvested lettuce, spinach, and arugula. There was a concert behind the library next door. And the Darlings ice cream truck showed up. I had four ice creams: a chocolate eclair, A watermelon popsicle, and 2 strawberry shortcakes. HEAVENLY!!!!
A great big shout out goes out to the Darlings people who generously provide their truck to help groups fund raise for good causes.
Jules Hathaway

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