Friday, June 28, 2024

In The Orbit Of You

"But I want roots. I want hard fast plans and spreadsheets and rubrics and road maps that will take me from point A to point B in an orderly fashion. My entire life has been like a dandelion seed trapped in a gust of wind, blowing from one town to another school to a new hobby, and it seems silly that I don't have an answer for who I actually am at the age of seventeen."
Nova, co protagonist of Ashley Schumacher's In The Orbit Of You, leads a nomadic life. Her mother is a consultant, flying from place to place to help companies solve major problems. Every few months or so there's another move, another school, a new peer group. As a junior she's beginning to feel pressure to choose a college and a major—basically a vocation—when she doesn't know herself enough.
"Usually, I go work it off, lifting weights and running on the treadmill until I out-exercise the fear of disappointing them. Because no matter how much I might dislike football, it's nowhere as bad as what came before. Nothing could be."
When Sam was quite young he discovered that he was very good at football. The aunt and uncle with whom he lives have poured a lot of money into getting him the best equipment and training. As a high school seniors he feels locked into what he calls the plan: a top football school and then go pro. His real interests don't seem to have a place in it.
But long ago when they were young children Nova and Sam had been close neighbors until he'd been sent to live with his uncle and aunt. Back then he'd promised her to find when they were older…
…and there's still something. But how can a friendship or more rekindle when he has a plan he feels locked into and a popular cheerleader girlfriend and she'll be gone in a matter of months, if not weeks?
On a purrrsonal note, on day one I discovered that I can use a saw quite well without cutting off an arm or leg. I was able to remove the footboard the bed and halfway remove the headboard before Eugene got home.
A great big shout out goes out to my ministers as they start a well deserved vacation.
Jules Hathaway

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