Thursday, June 27, 2024

Girl Forgotten (YA mystery)

My younger daughter, Katie, and I are big fans of well written YA mysteries. We give each other tips on newly discovered titles and authors. If I'll like it shell'l like it and vice versa. So recently I texted her about April Henry. I'd just finished her Girl Forgotten and found it to be well written and totally engaging.
Piper (17) is starting a new high school. She's moved in with her father and his wife (he'd never married her mother) and their kids after her mother's death. Her first day there she learns about the requirement for every senior to do a passion project. That's a year long experiential project on a topic of interest.
Piper is a fan of true life unsolved crime podcasts. She decides to create one of her own. Seventeen years ago, Layla Trello, a 17-year-old student at her new school, went missing. A couple of weeks later her body was found. Her killer has never been found.
Piper wants to solve the cold case. She begins doing background research and interviewing people who were in town the night of the murder. It isn't long before she begins to get threatening messages. Someone doesn't want her discovering what happened. And if that person is the actual killer…
…he or she might be willing to kill again.
It turns out that Henry is quite a prolific author. I'm putting her other books on my to read list for when inter library loans are happening again.
On a purrrsonal note, I've been working on organizing my shed and home since mid May. The shed was a cinch. I'm the only one who goes in there. The trailer is a whole different story. My son's old room has been especially challenging. His old bed takes up way too much room. And it's too big to get out through the door. I can't remember how we got it in over 20 years ago. But now there's a glimmer of hope. I found where Eugene stashed one of his saws. A regular one, not a chainsaw.
A great big shout out goes out to my fabulous son, Adam.

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