Raising Readers
Picture book
Maine picture books are something special. Whether you're
talking about classics like Blueberries For Sal that was around when I
was a read to youngster or Lynn Plourde and Angeli Perrow's offerings
which my children requested again and again, they make for quality
parent child or emergent reader time. Raising Readers: a medley of
Maine children's stories brings together five of the best.
Susan Ramsay Hoguet's Maine ABC depicts the alphabet the
Vacationland way from the alewives in Damariscotta Mills to the
zillions of snowflakes we'll be seeing in the not too distant future.
Karel Hayes' The Winter Visitors weaves a charming fantasy about
a bear family occupying a summer cottage while its humans are away.
Lynn Plourde's classic Pigs in the Mud in the Middle of the Rud
(one of my favorite all time read alouds) portrays the plight of a
family whose Model T Ford is blocked by the presence of a variety of
stubborn farm animals.
Frances Bloxom's Antlers Forever shares the anxiety of a young
bull moose who is sure he is about to lose his crowning glory.
Angeli Perrow's Many Hands: A Penobscot Indian Story follows a
young basket weaver as she gains spiritual insight.
From laugh out loud funny to sweet and endearing there is truly
a story for every child.
On a personal note, after years of heavy usage, my old camera had
broken. I saved for five months. My anniversary money gift gave me
enough to finally be able to buy a new camera. It felt like regaining
a limb or one of my senses.
A great big shout out goes out to the fine Maine authors whose ranks I
aspire to join someday.
jules hathaway
Sent from my iPod
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