Saturday, August 10, 2024

Grizzly: A Charity Anthology

     Have I got a deal for you!!! If you buy Grizzly: A Charity Anthology you not only will get your hands on a collection of rich and diverse narratives (particularly appealing to horror affecianados) but you'll help a really important organization. All proceeds from its sales go to Take Back the Night, a group whose mission is ending worldwide sexual violence. 
     There's supernatural horror in this collection. But there is also the far more commonplace violence inflicted on women and girls (and nonbinaries) that is all too often compounded by accusations that they brought it on themselves or that they could have prevented it even when children are molested by adults. The book validates survivors as it uncovers the challenges that they encounter after the attack and enlightens all of us on the harmful forms of misogyny rampart in this world.
     If you're like me you'll be intrigued by the title. When a lot of women were asked if they'd rather encounter an unknown bear or an unknown man in the woods many chose the bear.  Each chapter starts with one reason why such as "The bear won't tell you he'll harm your loved ones if you tell anyone what he did to you." and "You won't have to face the bear in court and describe what he did to you to complete strangers."  And there's a bear somewhere in every story. 
     So by buying this anthology you'll not only be treating yourself to a fine short story collection but helping make the world safer for girls and women (and nonbinaries). You can order it through Amazon. Just don't wait too long. It's only available until September 10.
On a purrrsonal note, when I was a lot younger I was raped by a knife wielding friend of my mother, a married man with children. It was premeditated. He admitted to stalking me. He warned me that if I told anyone my mother would die of a heart attack. "And then who will take care of poor little Harriet?" (My severely brain damaged sister). We both knew it would be me. And I wasn't about to give up on marriage and children, college, a career--basically any kind of future. My period was very late so for weeks I didn't know if I was pregnant--an impossibility in a bear attack. 
A great big shout out goes to the ultra talented contributeters including my daughter, Amber, and all who buy Grizzly. 
Jules Hathaway 

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