Sunday, November 3, 2013

So Sexy So Soon

So Sexy So Soon

Remember Halloween costumes from your childhood? There were the
flimsy packaged ones with the masks with eyeholes that never really
worked. Some of us made our own. I remember spending hours sewing
beads and sequins on a gypsy get up in fifth grade. And some of my
classmates always seemed to bust out the hobo look at the last
second. What they all had in common was that we were obviously all
kids having childhood fun.
Costumes for girls these days are a whole nother story. Age
compression is hitting with a vengeance. Even toddlers barely out of
diapers are turned out in garments that are suggestive and overly sexy.
That is just one facet of Diane Levin and Jean Kilbourne's all
too timely So Sexy So Soon: The New Sexualized Childhood And What
Parents Can Do To Protect Our Kids. Make no mistake. We have lots of
need to be protecting our children. They are in the cross hairs of
corporations and their pals in media who know just how to exploit
their vulnerabilities.
Levin and Kilbourne quote a commentator as follows:
"Teach seven-year-olds that sexual expression is a matter of
accessorizing and you've secured a lifetime of purchasing in the
lingerie department. Disassociate sex from non-market feelings
(pleasure, desire, intimacy) and associate it instead with consumable
superficialities, and you'll not only keep the rabble in line, you'll
have them lined up at the mall."
Nough said?
So what's a parent to do? Plenty, it turns out. So Sexy So
Soon gives a wealth of advice on not only how to protect our own
individual children, but to change our society for the salvation of
all kids.
In my mind, this book is a must read for parents, grandparents,
teachers, admin, school boards, guidance, clergy...basically all who
sincerely care about the next generation.
On a personal note, I had a most excellent Halloween. I spent the day
tricked out as a very modest cow with a red and black feather boa. In
the day I did a trick or treat in the University of Maine student
union with my commuter lounge pals. We got scads of candy and cool
sunglasses, coffee mugs etc. Then in the evening I volunteered at the
Orono Public Library Halloween party, helping little kids decorate
cookies. So much good clean fun.
A great big shout out goes out to all who made Halloween special for
revelers large and small.
Julia Emily Hathaway

Sent from my iPod

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