Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Jersey Tomatoes Are The Best

     Henry (Henriette) and Eva, the narrators of Maria Padian's Jersey Tomatoes Are The Best, are long time besties about to be split up for a summer. They're teens with specialized talents that their lives have been structured around. Henry in tennis 🎾 ; Eva in ballet. Each has a parent who is constantly pushing her, obsessed with her fulfilling her potential. 
     Now they're about to experience  a long term separation for the first time, attending elite camps--camps with intense competition pressures most teens will never experience, camps where you can't let your guard down because potential friends are also potential rivals and backstabbers.
     Eva has a dangerous vulnerability. An earlier developing larger girl in a field where a tiny prepubescent build is idealized, she feels too fat. A voice in her head tells her to eat less and less. She hits a point where not only her future career, but her life is in jeopardy. 
     Henry is desperate to help her best friend. But what can she do from such a distance?
On a purrrsonal note, today in class I'm doing a presentation that is going to be a real challenge. I did a great outline and got it uploaded on time. But my speech hasn't totally recovered from the stroke. It isn't obvious (to anyone but me) in regular conversation. But my rehearsals for the presentation have been disastrous. Since I'm certified 🧠 injured I'm trying for accommodations. I'll let you know how that goes. 
Jules Hathaway 

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