Picture book
"On reunion morning, we rise before the sun. Daddy hums as he packs our car with suitcases and a cooler full of snacks. He says there's nothing like going down home."
Lil Alan, protagonist of Kelly Starling Lyons' Going Down Home With Daddy, is really excited about a family reunion celebration. But as he and his family drive south he's also anxious. He's sure he'll be the only one who won't have a thing to share.
Even as they arrive and he plays with his cousins, enjoys a traditional supper, and attends church the next morning he can't get that worry off his mind. His father tells him to think with his heart.
This sensitive story combines a really common childhood fear with a tribute to keeping alive a family's and people's history in a world that would often consider both to be trivial. Lyons' husband's heritage, as well as her own, inspired her to write the book.
On a purrrsonal note, Sunday Eugene got home. He and his brother had spent the night at camp. I was attending zoom church. Right in the middle of Pastor Mariah's sermon he asked if I wanted to go for a ride. So I shut off my laptop. The foliage was lovely. Plus Eugene got subs that were lunch and supper so I didn't have to cook. (Jules)
She does not like to cook. (Tobago)
A great big shout out goes out to Eugene
Tobago and Jules Hathaway
Sent from my U.S.Cellular© Smartphone
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