Monday, September 24, 2018

Fault Lines In The Constitution

Fault Lines In The Constitution

YA nonfiction
I was thrilled when I saw Cynthia and Sandford Levinson's Fault
Lines In The Constitution. According to the Levinsons, many of the
issues we struggle with in the 21st Century are the unintended
consequences of decisions made back in 1787 when harried citizens
considered and often clashed over complex issues in their quest to
create a new form of government with liberty and justice for all.
Come along for the ride. Be prepared to cover lots of territory.
Chapters are structured in a novel way. Each starts by
describing a relatively recent problem. A look back to 1787 examines
its roots. There's a comparison with ways states and other countries
have different ideas and a return to the original situation. Topics
covered include voting rights, gerrymandering, the Electoral College,
presidential vetoes, emergency rights suspensions, and other hot
button issues.
My favorite chapter is the one in which the Levinsons grade the
Constitution on the basis of the goals stated in the Preamble. The
grades are pretty mediocre. That chapter is followed by one on
avenues for improvement.
The Levinsons have this to say to readers:
"You can take part. In fact, you can help get the conversation
started. When you hear people say that they don't trust the
government or that the government doesn't seem to be able to fix big
problems like immigration--tell them it's the Constitution's fault!
Then explain how, banding together, we can repair it. That would make
us a true union."
On a personal note, it's beginning to feel like Autumn in Penobscot
County, Maine. Graduate school is intense, especially since my
computer skills are so in need of upgrading. Luckily I have people to
help me. My life is taken up by school and homework, my job, sleep,
house/hubby/cat care, and commuting. Things will be more sane when
I'm more computer savvy. I did have a great birthday. I worked lunch
and supper shifts. My coworkers sang happy birthday to me. They all
signed a card. We had a new dessert: little orange filled chocolate
cream puffs drizzled with ganache. That's the best birthday cake ever!
A great big shout out goes out to my friends who are helping me learn
skills, my dining services family who help me from feeling
overwhelmed, and the best homework helping, stress busting cat ever.
Joey now aka Senor Fuzzygato.

Sent from my iPod

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