Friday, September 18, 2015

The Blue Zones Solution

The Blue Zones Solution

Adult nonfiction
Not all parts of the world are equal in regard to the longevity
of their citizens. Some areas, known as blue zones, boast people
edging toward and past the century mark healthy and able to do tasks
that are beyond the strength of most people half their age. What do
they have going for them? If your inquiring mind wants to know,
you'll find Dan Buettner's The Blue Zones Solution: Eating and Living
Like the World's Healthiest People to be a must read.
In the first part we go globe hopping, visiting some unique and
fascinating people and looking at not only their diets, but their
overall life styles. Anyone expecting the quick and simple fads we're
constantly deluged with in the United States is bound to be
"As a burgeoning body of research has suggested, we, too, can
make long-term changes to our personal environment that will nudge us
into moving more, socializing more, hungering for less, and eating
better. In other words, we can make decisions right now that will
lead to a healthier, happier future."
Buettner anticipated skepticism on the part of some readers.
"All those stories about the Blue Zones are fine, but I don't live on
an island in the Meditteranean, and you haven't come to my hometown
yet..." So part 2 consists of projects that created Blue Zones, some
of them right in the good old USA. They took a multi faceted
community based approach. Grocery stores and restaurants found ways
to make it easier for shoppers to make good choices. People were
enabled to become part of walking support groups. Exercise was made
more feasible... Each project had very impressive results.
The third and final section of the book is all about hands on
useful. It's loaded with practical advice including a sizeable recipe
In my opinion, The Blue Zones Solution is a must read for folks
who want to rock healthy, happy longevity.
On a personal note, the day after I donated blood I received an email
that I had won a gift card in the blood drive drawing. It's to my
favorite restaurant, the Family Dog!!! Next week I will be able to
take my older daughter and her fiancé out to lunch a few days before
my birthday!!! YOWZA!
A great big shout out goes out to the people who work in the downtown
Orono branch of the University credit who just celebrated their first
anniversary in their building. Way to go! Keep up the good work!
Julia Emily Hathaway

Sent from my iPod

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