Senior year isn't starting out well for Cass, protagonist of Jenna Miller's Out of Character. Her parents' marriage had been tempesteous. But the fighting didn't prepare her for her mother's sudden announcement that she was on her way to Maine to live with her boyfriend. This sudden abandonment is heart breaking. Her surgeon father has been preoccupied with work for most of her life; her mother has been there for her.
Having her long term crush become her girlfriend is unexpectedly problematic. Tayor is gorgeous, romantic, ready to commit, and moving much too fast for Cass who isn't comfortable with more than kissing. She believes that Taylor deserves better but doesn't know how to make it happen.
Cass is a member of an online role play based on her favorite two-book series. She not only enjoys interacting as her character with the other characters, but confiding in the other four girls in an intimacy she can't achieve with offline peers.
Cass keeps her online world a secret. She's afraid that her now parenting father will cut her lifeline. It is having quite an adverse affect on her grades and distracting her from college applications. She's afraid that Taylor won't understand. And she may be falling for one of her fellow role players in a way she can't for her official girlfriend.
To keep her two lives separate or try to integrate them, knowing the risks inherent in either choice--this is the dilemma posed in this highly engaging coming of age narrative.
On a purrrsonal note, Eugene was not my first boyfriend. I'd even been engaged a few times. But, like Cass, I'd never wanted to take these relationships to deeper levels. It took me awhile to figure out what made Eugene different. My father had been such a terrible parent I was subconsciously looking for someone who would be a wonderful father to our future children. Marrying him was the best decision I ever made.
A great big shout out goes out to Eugene with whom I'm still madly in love. Today is his birthday. I've baked his favorite cake for the quiet celebration he prefers.
Jules Hathaway
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