Thursday, February 20, 2025

Onyx & Beyond (juvenile historical fiction)

"That's what the doctors said 
Mama had. Early-onset dementia. 

They said maybe put her in a home,
     & Gran said, My baby ain't going in no home.

& we worked together & kept it a secret.
Then Gran went to the sky & Mama got worse."
     After the death of his beloved grandmother Onyx, protagonist of Amber McBride's Onyx & Beyond, has more responsibilities and stresses than any 10-year-old should have. In addition to keeping up in school and navigating the streets as a Black boy he must do the cooking and housework and earn money to help buy food and care for the physical and emotional needs of his mother--parent a parent before he's hit puberty. Gotta keep his mom, whom he loves to the edges of the known universe and beyond, with him and out of a home. This could get much more difficult. Child protective services has scheduled a home visit. 
     Despite the harsh reality of his life Onyx has a fascination with the universe and dreams of flying. His narrative in free verse is a rich blend of imagination and wisdom in addition to the nitty gritty of a challenging existence. 
"I wonder if when Mama is dreaming, 
     she remembers everything?
If her dreams are more real than real life."
     Onyx & Beyond, set in the late 60s, gives a vivid picture of that turbulent time. Onyx is a fictional character. But he's based on Mcbride's father's stories from his youth. 
On a purrrsonal note, I studied at home today since the woods path between my home and the bus stop is snowed in. But I have rides both ways tomorrow. I'm so excited about going in and seeing my friends. 
A great big shout out goes out to my wonderful, amazing friends. 
Jules Hathaway 

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