Jen Larson's The Big Reveal is an expose of the misogyny and fat shaming so prevalent in our society set in a highly engaging coming of age narrative.
Addie is a full figured teen ballet dancer. Although she's very talented and dedicated there are people who don't think that she belongs in ballet because she's full figured. But Addie isn't listening to the haters. She's applied for a highly competitive summer program for aspiring professional dancers. And she's accepted...
...which turns out to be a hollow victory because the scholarship money she needs isn't forthcoming. Her mother advises her to just forget about it. Her school besties 💓 are determined to help her come up with the cash. They help her create a series of secret burlesque by invitation only shows which are a huge success...
...until someone clues the administration in and the friends are busted. Now they have to appear before the honor board on an immoral conduct charge...
...even though the boys soccer team faced no consequences for celebrating a victory by streaking across the quad.
Addie is a spirited narrator with a highly engaging persona and a story that can lead to meaningful discussions of issues we don't talk about nearly enough. It's a powerful acquisition for school and public libraries.
On a purrrsonal note, my winter break began today. Almost a month with no homework!!!
A great big shout out goes out to my fellow Black Bears.
Jules Hathaway
Sent from my U.S.Cellular© Smartphone
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