Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Full Circle

Full Circle

Adult nonfiction
"About halfway through our second pitcher of beer, Nick said, 'I
need to tell you something, and it will probably surprise you.'
When someone prefaces a comment with that statement I always
ask, 'Is it bad news?'
'Not for me,' Nick said, 'But maybe for you. I want to change
into a woman.'"
Full Circle, written by Derry and Nicole Rundlett, adds a new
twist to the parent adjusting to transgender offspring subgenre. Nick
is old enough to join his father in beer drinking. In fact he has
children of his own.
Needless to say, Derry was in shock. He had no clue what the
implications of this transition would be for Nick's job and family or
for his own relationship with the person he considered his son, the
child he considered his closest soul mate. Fortunately for Nick, now
Nicole, he didn't close his mind and heart. Instead he hung on
through a period of pain, fear, and questioning to come out on the
side of acceptance. Fortunately for the rest of us, he candidly
shared his journey. Nicole added sidebars concerning her perspective
on a number of incidents.
Full Circle is an excellent read for LGBTQ folks and allies.
On a purrsonal note, I'd given myself a week off volunteering after
Joey died. Yesterday I went back to It. I'm too needed to take more
of a break. I put some time in shelf reading in the library and then
harvested and delivered at community garden. The garden looks lovely
and is producing well.
I moved one bookcase to the shed. The other is more of a challenge.
It's behind the high headboard of Adam's old bed. I can't lift it
over. I thought to clear the floor and swing the bed around. Only
the bed is too heavy. So I have to clear enough space to separately
move the matress, box spring, and frame. But it will be done by the
start of fall term. I'm not thinking chain saw. Yet. When I want
furniture moved I make sure it happens. I dragged a full size sofa
for blocks to a dumpster inch by sweaty inch.
A great big shout out goes out to the garden crew and the best little
cat in the world.
jules hathaway

Sent from my iPod

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