Monday, August 11, 2014

Hope Is A Ferris Wheel

Hope Is A Ferris Wheel

Juvenile fiction
Very few children's authors write books featuring trailer park
kids as protagonists. Refreshingly Robin Herrera did just that. Her
debut novel, Hope Is A Ferris Wheel introduces us to a very unique and
feisty narrator struggling to create herself a chance to belong, to be
accepted under unpromising circumstances.
Star's classmates call her Star Trashie because she lives in a
trailer park next to the dump. Rumor has it only drug addicts or
other losers reside there. Her mother struggles to make ends meet.
Her sister Winter, previously kicked out of high school, is stuck in
an alternate ed program. Her only memory of her father is seeing him
from the top of a ferris wheel. By the time she got back on the
ground he was gone.
Star desperately wants to have friends who won't look down on
her, to fit in, to belong. Maybe starting a club will help her
achieve her goal. But what kind of club will her peers want to join?
Hope Is A Ferris Wheel is a perfect read for any kid or adult
who knows what it's like to struggle against daunting odds to be part
of, rather than set apart from, a community.
On a personal note, weather in Maine right now is perfect with sunny,
breezy days and quite sleepable nights.
A great big shout out goes out to all kids and adults who struggle to
fit in in the face of formidable odds.
Julia Emily Hathaway

Sent from my iPod

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