Monday, October 1, 2012

Still My Grandma

Picture book
It's very heartbreaking and confusing for an adult to deal with
the gradual loss of a loved one to Alzheimers. Can you imagine what
it must be like for a child? Fortunately Veronique Van dan Abeele's
Still My Grandma handles this plight poignantly and sensitively.
Camille and her beloved grandmother have their own treasured
rituals: sleepovers, looking at treasures from the past, family
stories, feeding ducks, baking chocolate cupcakes... Then one day her
grandmother starts acting differently-- forgetting Camille's name,
putting her shoes in the refrigerator, and putting orange juice on
cereal. Even though life changes and Grandma must live in a nursing
home, Camille learns they can still treasure their time together.
Still My Grandma can be a great ice breaker for a family
confronting am Alzheimers diagnosis for a beloved member. Adults,
overwhelmed with added responsibilities and strong feelings, can find
it difficult to explain what's happening to their children. Kids may
not feel comfortable asking about the changes they see or even be able
to put their questions into words. This beautiful book with it's
tender message that even though Grandma has changed she's still the
person Camille loves can be just the thing to get much needed inter
generational conversations started.
On a personal note, we're into a long rainy patch in Central Maine.
Not long now until our precip changes over to the white stuff. Some
will love it. Some will hate it. None will escape it. Bwa ha ha!!!
A great big shout goes out to all who care for folks with Alzheimers
and to Ken Nye who, in Clouds of Glory, has shared some amazing poems
conveying the love of a son losing his mother gradually to this cruel
Julia Emily Hathaway

Sent from my iPod

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