For Larissa, protagonist of Dahlia Adler's Cool for the Summer, popular football star, Chase has always been the (probably impossible) dream. She's spent hours fantasizing about attending homecoming and prom on his arm and never getting anywhere...
...until the beginning of her senior year when Chase is suddenly noticing her, inviting her into his world, and becoming more and more romantic. Soon they're a school power couple. It's exactly what Larissa has been yearning for years...
So why isn't it making her happy?
Could it be because Jasmine, the girl with whom she had a bittersweet summer romance, is unexpectedly attending her school?
If Chase is really Larissa's one and only, why can't she seem to get over Jasmine?
On a purrrsonal note, this is the kind of book I wish had been available when I was a teen and the happy endings were always the cheerleader winning the ❤️ of the quarterback. Even though the 60s are characterized as sexually revolutionary, they really weren't because we were only presented with one option.
A great big shout out goes out to the authors who are presenting today's teens with affirmations of a much wider range of ways to be and to love.
Jules Hathaway
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